e d u c a t i o n

____u n i v e r s i t y   a n d   a f t e r     ____professional roles     ____awards    ____basic

additional training

2010    proposal writing training by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency

2009    didactical training (enhancing presence and charisma through Zen techniques)

2008    proposal writing training by the Austrian Science Fund

2007    didactical training (presentation, voice, and breath techniques)

2005    media training by the European Geosciences Union (science and the media)

2004    summer school: Climate Variability: From observation to prediction, Monte Verità (Switzerland)

2002    summer school: Ice sheets and glaciers in the climate system, Karthaus (Italy)

1999   student assistant (weather forecasting) in the research project MAP (Mesoscale Alpine Programme)
